lilmissroadrage Feb 19, 2011 02:36
wtf, bitch bitch whine whine, raja roaring, omg, fuck off, raja ramble, diaf, starts with f ends in uck, need booze please, where's my booze?, seriously?, gross, thoughts, wank, people are stupid, pfft, colorful metaphors, ramble, wankety wank, insanity, crap, bite me, i hate people, i dunno, haterade, fuck me, this requires booze, tmi, rant, rawr, like bluestreak but with more cursing, fuck you, using and abusing lj, drop dead and give me thirty, angstttttt with a capital a, gay rights
lilmissroadrage Feb 13, 2011 12:59
bitch bitch whine whine, colorful metaphors, fuck me, car antics, beware it's wordy, ramble, like bluestreak but with more cursing, babble, fuck off, using and abusing lj, angstttttt with a capital a, crap, diaf, bite me, need booze please